

Time to mend the gap between boys and girls. Did you talk to her?

... Kang


You gave a laugh when you ask 'did you talk to her?'. blushing"

it reminds me of the meet between C.M Hu and I in the college. we did not even greet to each other by a simple 'hi'. is it funny now we looking back?

... Weiling


Imagine the most timid boy, who never talked to girls, meets the least attended girl, who missed half of the classes? Besides a nod, hello and goodbye, they couldn't have had a good conversation, even after 54 years. 

When we grew up, talking to opposite sex was considered a taboo. Once the taboo was broken, they would be labelled a couple. It's more serious than having sex of 21st century. This unwritten rule applies to school kids. I don't know after school because I left the country after school. Any one can tell more about this?

... Kang 



Kang: 你以為楊還如以前般怕羞嗎?他不但能言善道且全塲主導。以小學時的印象同現在作對比,真是有趣。他們倆見到我的第一眼就說"你怎麼變矮變胖"。

... Jian,


Yes, what happened to the slender and tall Jian? 

Looking forward to visit next year.

... Kang


喂! be polite!

... Jian


We may need to see your birth certificate to prove you are Jian.

... Kang


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